Luna Lyrics – Ricardo Arjona – Lyric Version

Luna Lyrics from Luna Song is New English Song sung by Ricardo Arjona with music also given by Ricardo Arjona. Luna song lyrics are written by Ricardo Arjona

Luna Lyrics - Ricardo Arjona - Lyric Version

Song Details:-
Song Title:- Luna
Artist:- Ricardo Arjona

“Luna Lyrics”

Ricardo Arjona

(En español)

Luna se quitaba la ropa, una historia en cada botón
Luna te besaba en la boca y detenía el corazón
Luna nunca tuvo apellido, tampoco nacionalidad
Si algo no estaba permitido era su necesidad

Viene de una historia curtida, de escupirle al destino
De falsear la baraja, de esconder la verdad

Yo, que era tan poquita cosa, esto no podía pasar
Luna y esas curvas de diosa, y yo jugando al azar
Luna decidía el momento, Luna me indicaba el lugar
Luna el noveno mandamiento, mi pecado mortal

Luna nunca hablaba de estrellas ni de sueños furtivos
Ni futuros en crisis ni de celos, ni amor

Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna nunca hubo ninguna, Luna lo mejor que me pasó
Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna solo existe una, Luna lo mejor que me pasó

Luna se paraba en la pista mientras se caía el lugar
Nunca hubo nada que exista como verla bailar
Yo una vez le dije “Te quiero” y fue la última vez que la vi
Ella no quería un prisionero, muy tarde lo entendí

Hoy le escribo cartas al viento, suplicando que el tiempo
Me devuelva a la Luna que hace tiempo perdí

Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna nunca hubo ninguna, Luna lo mejor que me pasó
Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna solo existe una, Luna lo mejor que me pasó

Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna nunca hubo ninguna, Luna lo mejor que me pasó

Luna, ella se llamaba solo Luna
Como Luna solo existe una, Luna lo mejor que me pasó


(In English)

Luna took off her clothes, a story in each button
Luna kissed you on the mouth and stopped your heart
Luna never had a surname, nor a nationality
If something was not allowed it was her need

She comes from a hardened history, from spitting at destiny
From falsifying the deck, from hiding the truth

I, who was so little, this could not happen
Luna and those goddess curves, and me playing at random
Luna decided the moment, Luna showed me the place
Luna the ninth commandment, my mortal sin

Luna never spoke of stars or furtive dreams
Nor futures in crisis or jealousy, or love

Luna, she was called only Luna
There was never another like Luna, Luna the best thing that happened to me
Luna, she was called only Luna
There is only one like Luna, Luna the best thing that happened to me

Luna stood on the dance floor while the place fell apart
There was never anything that exists like seeing her dance
I once told her “I love you” and it was the last time I saw her
She didn’t want a prisoner, I understood it too late

Today I write letters to the wind, begging that time
Give me back the Moon that I lost a long time ago

Moon, she was called only Moon
There was never another Moon, Moon, the best thing that ever happened to me

Moon, she was called only Moon
There is only one Moon, Moon, the best thing that ever happened to me

Moon, she was called only Moon
There was never another Moon, Moon, the best thing that ever happened to me

Moon, she was called only Moon
There is only one Moon, Moon, the best thing that ever happened to me


Ricardo Arjona – Luna (Video Lyric)

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